Kids out of control
Kids out of control Lately we hear more and more about kids, and even adults, with Attention Deficit Disorder - sometimes it seems almost like an epidemic.
Some believe that it has a lot to do with diet - because fewer people are cooking from scratch, most people are eating a lot of preservatives and additives that we didn't get 40 years ago.
But diet may not be the only culprit. Kids are subjected to so much external stimulation - from constant TV to video games to more and more pressures at school. Even pre-school has become competitive.
When you combine that with parents who are stressed from working too many jobs or dealing with long commutes, it's no wonder that kids get a little off balance.
Doctors answer parents' concerns with a prescription - and in my eyes that's very scary. Americans are already over-medicated and becoming ever sicker from pharmaceutical side-effects and adverse drug interactions.
It can't be good to fill young, developing bodies with those toxins.
Before you take the chance of using pharmaceutical drugs on your child (or yourself), why not try a cure from nature: Bach Flower Essences.
The ADD problem is so common, that FeelBach! has even developed a "shelf product" specifically to realign the energies of children and adults who are suffering from it.
Since Bach Flower Remedies are safe for everyone from infants to nursing mothers to the elderly, you'll take no chance of doing harm while you're trying to do good. Flower essences cause no adverse side effects - and if your child is already on pharmaceuticals, they can be used in conjunction without fear of drug interactions.
Click here to order Feel Bach's Attention Deficit blend of flower essences.