Heal Broken Relationships with essences from Feel Bach!

Heal Broken Relationships with essences from Feel Bach!

Relationships with family and friends are precious – to be nurtured and tended carefully. But sometimes accidents happen. Some small misunderstanding or disagreement can fester and grow until that relationship you cherish seems to be irreparably broken.

Since it generally "takes two to tango," the first step toward reconciliation is to get your own emotions under control. Then your attitude and reactions to the other person will change, and that can effect a change in them as well.

If you want to get back on track, you can't expect the other person to change. You need to start with you.

First, examine your own feelings. Look at yourself as you think others might be seeing you. Do they see a person who is controlling, one who can't let anyone else be right, or maybe one who is afraid of change? What do you see when you look through their eyes?

Go to the questionnaire at FeelBach and be completely honest filling it out - even if it feels painful to face truths about your own feelings. Remember, this isn't being broadcast to the world - this is you talking with you.

When you see what blend is recommended for you, take a look at the individual essences and read what they'll do for you. Do they describe the emotions that have been ruling your behavior?

Once you begin to balance your own energies with Dr. Bach's flower essences, you'll notice a change in yourself.And before long, your changed attitude should cause a better reaction from that other person. Keep it up, and before long your relationship should be back on track.

Relationships with those we love are too precious to let them fall by the wayside. So don't wait for someone else to change – change yourself and you'll affect everyone around you.