Back to School – a time of anxiety and fear for many youngsters
Back to School – a time of anxiety and fear for many youngsters
When a child is entering Kindergarten or perhaps first grade, it's natural to be a bit fearful. Will the teacher be nice – or mean. What about the other children? Will they like me or hate me?
Then making the transition to Junior High or High School brings a new anxiety. Suddenly the child is moved from "upper classman" to a lowly newbie. And they know that many of the older students won't let them forget it.
Then there are all those poor kids who have moved over the summer and are entering a new school where they don't know one soul? Terrifying!
All the parental reassurances in the world won't stop some children from going into that first day – and even those first weeks of school without fear and apprehension.
Dr. Bach's Mimulus flower extract will help.
Some flower essence practitioners believe that the Mimulus fears are akin to the fear of the newborn – coming from a safe womb into a harsh new world. And isn't that much like what children experience when being thrust into a new environment where their protectors (parents) cannot follow. Mimulus helps regain the soul quality of courage, allowing the sufferer to bravely move forward.
Aspen is another of Dr. Bach's essences that will aid a child at this time. Aspen relates more to vague fears and apprehension – as when a child is fearful but can't say exactly why.
Rock Rose is most helpful in situations where the child knows exactly why they are fearful. Perhaps they've been bullied or ridiculed – or even physically assaulted in school. Those fears border on terror and panic.
All of these remedies can be found in Feel Bach's Feel5iveformula. This is one that many of us keep on hand to use in occasional stressful situations – a job interview, a trip to the dentist, or a first meeting with a sweetheart's family.
Click the links and read more about each of these remedies, then choose what's right for your child. Start treatment a few days before school starts, so he or she can begin building inner defenses against that crippling fear.